
Thursday, 27 June 2013


First post in my new blog- excitement! Despite a distinct lack of followers (exactly 0!) I'm going to introduce myself as that's usually how things start. I've just finished my A-levels and am tentatively awaiting my results, hopefully I'll be off to university. This is the most exciting move and prospect I've ever had in my life yet there is one thing that sends my knees a knockin' and my palms a sweatin'.....student finance! I've unfortunately not been able to find a job these past two years so I'm not used to having loads of money yet I've not had to pay for many of the things that are going to start such as rent and tuition. I am a self-confessed shop-aholic and sometimes all I want  need to do is make a purchase! Anything beauty, fashion, home, anything- I'll buy it. So, follow me on my journey of starting a new life in a new city with a new budget with SFaholic.

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